Air Surveillance UAE: SHAHEEN
Air Taxi AAM (Advanced Air Mobility): QADEM
Eanan Aviation aims to revolutionize urban mobility by launching their own air taxi services in several cities across the UAE. QADEM, the futuristic eVTOL aircraft designed by Eanan will fly on dedicated routes within urban areas, providing passengers with a seamless commuting experience.
UAV/ AAM technology has garnered growing interest from governments and non-offensive defense organizations due to its wide range of applications such as surveillance, border control, and logistics. Furthermore, the potential of eVTOLs and heavy cargo UA extends to various industrial sectors, including oil and gas, offshore windfarms, and mining, where they can facilitate pipeline inspection, maintenance, surveying, mapping, and equipment transportation, minimizing risks in hazardous environments and reducing human involvement.
These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) offer several advantages that enhance the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of firefighting operations, including navigating narrow spaces and flying over obstacles. This improves response time and containment efforts, and through the data obtained, it becomes easier to make informed decisions and adjust firefighting strategies accordingly.